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Counterfeit Check Alert

Corporate SecurityCarestream is aware that individuals throughout the world have received mail or other communications that include a forged check with Carestream Health’s name and address, together with a bank name and logo. This forged check is typically accompanied by a letter stating that the recipient is a sweepstakes/ lottery winner or involved in a merchandise purchasing campaign.

If you have received an unexpected check from Carestream Health, please understand that this check is counterfeit. If you deposit such a check, it will be returned to your bank as “Counterfeit” and “Void”—and you may be liable for service charges from your bank.

Carestream is working closely with federal and local law enforcement authorities to reduce these occurrences, and to identify and prosecute the criminals involved in these frauds.

What to do:

If you receive materials similar to the above, please do not deposit or cash the check as it is counterfeit. Do not send any money from your account as instructed by these scams.

Contact us:

Worldwide Corporate Security Office