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MIN-R Screens

Advanced mammography screens optimize the performance of mammography films. The MIN-R 2000 film-screen system provides higher contrast, sharper detail and wider exposure for better visualization of breast tissue.

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MIN-R 2000 Screen

This screen together with MIN-R 2000 film provides a 150-speed system for superb image resolution and quality. This screen is also recommended for superb resolution and image quality with MIN-R L mammography film.

MIN-R 2190 Screen

This mammography screen together with MIN-R 2000 film provides a 190-speed system with minimal loss of sharpness. This system reduces radiation dose, exposure time, and image blur associated with patient movement. It is recommended for meeting mandated dose restrictions, magnification studies, and imaging with less powerful generators. This screen is also recommended for superb resolution and image quality with MIN-R L mammography film.


Software & Accessories
