Electron Micrography Films

Electron Micrography Films

Electron Micrography Films offers considerable latitude in performance and flexibility for most electron microscopy applications. EM films are best suited for medium-energy electrons (40 to 100 ky), but acceptable results can also be obtained at higher electron levels. Specially engineered to produce high-quality images in Transmission Electron Micrography (TEM) or electron diffraction studies, there are two choices for  capturing quality images in the transmission electron microscope for life and material science research.

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Electron Micrography Film 4489 has approximately half the speed of Electron Image Film SO-163 film, but exhibits less curl and shorter pump-down times. Coated on a 7mils Estar support, Electron Microscope Film offers exceptional dimensional stability and eliminates the use of traditional glass support products.

Electron Image Film SO-163, two times faster than EM 4489 film, offers broad exposure and development ranges. This enables a single film to collect many electrons (with improvements in signal-to-noise ratio), or collect fewer electrons in exposure-limiting situations (when graininess is a reasonable trade-off for higher speed). SO-163’s speed requires longer pump-down times and shows greater film curl. When using Electron Image Film SO-163 for the first time, it is recommended that you recalibrate your microscope exposure.

Comparison of EM Films


S0-163 EM film 

4489 EM film 

Life Science



Material Science



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