Masterbrand Mark 

The Masterbrand Mark is made up of custom letter forms and spacing – joined together to create a unique and ownable brand mark.

The Masterbrand Mark should:

  • ONLY be represented in ORANGE, WHITE or BLACK.
  • NEVER be modified.
  • Always be used horizontally.
  • NEVER be recreated or represented in a different color or font.
  • NEVER be tilted, rotated, elongated or distorted.
  • NEVER be used in a headline or body copy.

The CARESTREAM ORANGE Masterbrand Mark must only be placed on a WHITE background.

Should the Masterbrand Mark need to be placed on a background color other than WHITE, the only color options for the mark are BLACK or WHITE.

The Carestream Masterbrand Mark is more than just our logo. It’s the foundation on which our brand communications are built. There are strict usage guidelines associated to our Masterbrand Mark. Download the attached file for a detailed overview including color, clear space requirements and incorrect usage examples.


Masterbrand Mark

Full-Color Preferred Masterbrand Mark

The full-color brand mark is the preferred visual expression of the Carestream Masterbrand Mark. There are two versions of the full-color brand mark:

  • CARESTREAM ORANGE Masterbrand Mark on a white background
  • WHITE Masterbrand Mark on CARESTREAM ORANGE

The rectangle shape shown here DOES NOT represent a specific shape in which the Masterbrand Mark is to be confined – it’s only a means to illustrate the use of a WHITE Masterbrand Mark on a CARESTREAM ORANGE background.

Full-Color Preferred Masterbrand Mark

Masterbrand Mark Clear Space

To create maximum visual impact for the Masterbrand Mark, always maintain an area of clear space around the Mark equal to the height of the “C” in Carestream.

Masterbrand Mark Minimum Size

For print materials = no smaller than 1.0”.
In digital applications = no smaller than 72 pixels.

Masterbrand Mark Clear Space

Incorrect Masterbrand Mark Usage

The Carestream Masterbrand Mark must never be altered in any way. Always use the Masterbrand Mark electronic artwork that has been approved.

Compliance is essential to maintaining a strong and consistent global brand identity. The Carestream Masterbrand Mark is a registered trademark, but does not appear with either a ® or ™ attached to it.

Incorrect Masterbrand Mark Usage

Masterbrand Mark Color Palette

CARESTREAM ORANGE is the primary color for Carestream. It can also be used in expansive graphic areas to draw visual attention and highlight key messaging statements.

CARESTREAM ORANGE is contrasted with prominent areas of white space to balance the page and maintain a clean, fresh look and feel to the Brand.

BLACK is used when cost or reproduction restrictions exist when reproducing the Masterbrand Mark. BLACK is also used for all body copy.

Masterbrand Mark Color Palette
Pantone 158C
Pantone 428C
Pantone 425C
C 0 R 245 C 0 R 255 C 0 R 000
M 61 G 128 M 0 G 255 M 0 G 000
Y 97 B 37 Y 0 B 255 K 0 B 000
K 0 K 0 K 100
HEX #f58025 HEX #FFFFFF HEX #000000

eMail Signature

Carestream uses a consistent email signature globally, applied to the bottom of all electronic communications.

The signature contains your name, official job title, contact details and the Carestream Masterbrand Mark. Hyperlinks to our social media sites are also included in the signature.

DO NOT alter the positioning of information, font size or color, OR add any information or other elements to the email signature.


A template has been created to help ensure Branding consistency and speed the process when creating your email signature. The template can be found on a Lotus Notes database – contact your department’s Administrative Assistant for help in locating the proper database.

eMail Signature

Letterhead, Envelope and Business Cards

All letterhead, envelope and business cards should use the formal company name (i.e. Carestream Health) anytime a physical address is displayed AND should be followed by the appropriate business entity as registered in the country in which you’re doing business (i.e. Inc., LLC, Deutschland GmbH).

Please adhere to these templates when creating all letterheads, envelopes and business cards. It is important that instructions are followed carefully for legal purposes since Carestream Health does business in multiple countries around the world.


Templates have been created to help ensure Branding consistency and speed the process when creating letterheads, envelopes and business cards. Templates can be found on the Carestream InFocus Intranet site under the Marketing Tab.

Letterhead, Envelope and Business Cards