FortsetteVi bruker informasjonskapsler for å gi deg en best mulig opplevelse på vår nettside. Du kan fint bruke nettstedet med Carestreams informasjonskapsler deaktivert, men opplevelsen vil bli betydelig forbedret med aktive informasjonskapsler. Hvis du fortsetter uten å endre innstillingene, godtar du å motta alle informasjonskapsler. Du kan imidlertid endre innstillingen for informasjonskapsler når som helst.

Hvis du ønsker å lære mer (dette er linken til våre retningslinjer for personvern, som har detaljert informasjon om hvordan vi bruker informasjonskapsler og hvordan du endrer innstillingene).

Kristin Dietzler, President, Americas Region

Kristin Dietzler is President, Americas Region, and is a member of the company’s senior executive leadership team. In this role, she leads the company’s medical imaging, NDT and Dental traditional businesses in the United States, Canada and Latin American markets.

Ms. Dietzler brings 25 years of experience in the medical device and supplies industry, and is widely recognized as a teamwork-focused leader. Prior to joining Carestream, she was General Manager and Global Commercial Lead at Medtronic. She also served as Vice President and General Manager, where she led the North America team that included a large direct sales organization in addition to indirect channels, national accounts and marketing teams.

Previously, Ms. Dietzler held leadership roles at Covidien, where she managed nurse clinicians as well as teams in sales and marketing, strategy and product development, human resources and finance.

She has served on the Board of Directors for the New Hope Foundation, and has held leadership positions on multiple corporate committees supporting diversity and inclusion.

Ms. Dietzler holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration-Marketing and Management from Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana.