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Motion Mobile X-Ray System

Digital Ready. Uniquely Designed

CARESTREAM Motion Mobile X-ray System* is a highly affordable mobile unit that is small, lightweight, and easy to use.

Motion Mobile is a highly economical bridge between analog, CR and DR imaging. Its unique upgradability allows you to customize the system to meet your needs today while planning for your future. 


*Not available for sale in North America 

  • System Features Analog
  • Transportable System/Lite

System Features Analog

Transportable System/Lite

DRX-Transportable System/Lite

An Affordable Upgrade to DR. Now, with Wireless Tablet Control

This solution now features wireless tablet operation. There’s no bulky electronics box required, and no need to work from a fixed console. Instead, a lightweight wireless tablet gives you complete control of the system and displays your images once acquired.

  • The Virtual Access Point in the detector makes this a flexible solution that enhances workflow.
  • Quickly and cost effectively convert existing analog system to DR.
  • Self-powered and rechargeable, its beam-sensing technology further simplifies upgrade.
  • This upgrade moves easily around the Radiology Department, from room to room or from room to mobile unit.
  DRX-Transportable Tablet
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