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Autoradiography References

This selection of books and papers about autoradiography is listed alphabetically by first author and subject-indexed.

  1. Alexander, GM, et al: Quantitative measurement of local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose utilizing tritiated 2-deoxyglucose. Brain Research, 223, 59-67, 1981.
  2. Anderson, NL and Anderson, NG: High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of human plasma proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 74, 5421-5424, 1977.
  3. Anderson, NL, et al: The tycho system for computer analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis patterns. Clinical Chemistry, 27, No. 11, 1807-1820, 1981.
  4. Babcock, TA: A review of methods and mechanisms of hypersensitization. AAS Photo-Bulletin, No. 13, 3-8, 1976.
  5. Bartnik, E, et al: Sensitive detection of tritium in southern blot and plaque hybridizations. Analytical Biochemistry, 116, 237-240, 1981
  6. Berent, SL, et al: Comparison of oligonucleotide and long DNA fragments as probes in DNA and RNA dot, southern, northern, colony and plaque hybridizations. Biotechniques, 208-220, May/June, 1985.
  7. Berlin, M and Ullberg S: Accumulation and retention of mercury in the mouse. Archives of experimental Health, 6, 27-38, 1963.
  8. Bochner, BR and Ames, BN: Sensitive fluorographic detection of 3H and 14C on chromatograms using methyl anthranilate as a scintillant. Analytical Biochemistry, 131, 510-515, 1983.
  9. Bonner, WM and Laskey, RA: A film detection method for tritium-labelled proteins and nucleic acids in polyacrylamide gels. European Journal of Biochemistry, 46, 83-88, 1974.
  10. Bonner, WM and Stedman, JD: Efficient fluorography of 3H and 14C on thin layers. Analytical Biochemistry, 89, No. 1, 247-256, 1978.
  11. Chamberlain, JP: Fluorographic detection of radioactivity in polyacrylamide gels with the water-soluble fluor, sodium salicylate. Analytical Biochemistry, 98, 132-135, 1979.
  12. Choo, KH, Cotton, RGH, and Danks, DM: Double-labeling and high precision comparison of complex protein patterns on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. Analytical Biochemistry, 103, 33-38, 1980.
  13. Cooper, PC and Burgess AW: Simultaneous detection of 35S and 32P-labeled proteins on electrophoretic gels. Analytical Biochemistry, 126, 301-305, 1982.
  14. Cross, SAM, Groves, AD, and Hesselbo, T: A quantitative method for measuring radioactivity in tissues sectioned for whole body autoradiography. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotope, 25, 381-386, 1974.
  15. Curtis, CG, et al: Whole Body Autoradiography, Academic Press, New York, 1981.
  16. d'Argy, R, et al: Whole-body autoradiography using 11C with double-tracer applications. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 35, No. 2, 129-134, 1984.
  17. Fairbanks, G, Jr, Levinthal, C, and Reeder, RH: Analysis of 14C-labeled proteins by disc electrophoresis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 20, No. 4, 393-399, 1965.
  18. Franklin, ER: The use of measurements of radiographic response of X-ray films in quantitative and semiquantitative whole body autoradiography. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 36, No. 3, 193-196, 1985.
  19. Garrels, JL: Two dimensional gel electrophoresis and computer analysis of proteins synthesized by clonal cell lines. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 254, No. 16, 7961-7977, August 25, 1979.
  20. Geary, WA and Wooten, GF: Quantitative film autoradiography of opiate agonist and antagonist binding in rat brain. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 225, No. 1, 234-240, 1983.
  21. Gibson, W: Replica images of silver-stained gels using direct duplicating film. Analytical Biochemistry, 132, 171-173, 1983.
  22. Gruenstein, EI and Pollard, AL: Double-label autoradiography on polyacrylamide gels with 3H and 14C. Analytical Biochemistry, 76, 452-457, 1976.
  23. Hahn, EJ: Autoradiography: A review of basic principles. Americal Laboratory, 15, No. 7, 64-71, 1983.
  24. Harrison, HH: Improved record keeping and photography of silver-stained two-dimensional electrophoretograms by way of "XRD Images". Clinical Chemistry, 30, No. 12, 1981-1984, 1984.
  25. Ho, NWY: Direct autoradiography of cylindrical gels-introducing a simple longitudinal gel slicer. Analytical Biochemistry, 97, 51-55, 1979.
  26. Homann, MJ and Carman, GM: Detection of phospholipid biosynthetic enzyme activities in saccharomyces cerevisiae by colony autoradiography. Analytical Biochemistry, 135, 447-452, 1983.
  27. Iwao, H, et al: Whole body autoradiographic distribution of exogenously administered renin in mice. The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 31, No. 6, 776-782, 1983 (using 125I).
  28. Keller, F and Wasser, PG: Quantification in macroscopic autoradiography with 14C--an evalutation of the method. International Journal of Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 33, 1427-1432, 1982.
  29. Kronenberg, LH: Radioautography of multiple isotopes using color films. Analytical Biochemistry, 93, 189-195, 1979.
  30. Laskey, RA: The use of intensifying screens or organic scintillators for visualizing radioactive molecules resolved by gel electrophoresis. Methods in Enzymology, 65, 363-371, Ed. by L Grossman and K Moldave, 1980.
  31. Laskey, RA: Radioisotope detection by fluorography and infensitying screens. In Review 23 Booklet, Amersham Corporation, 2636 South Clearbrook Drive, Arlington Heights, IL 60005, May 1984.
  32. Laskey, RA and Mills, AD: Quantitative film detection of 3H and 14C in polyacrylamide gels by fluorography. European Journal of Biochemistry, 56, 335-341, 1975.
  33. Laskey, RA and Mills, AD: Enhanced autoradiographic detection of 32P and 125I using intensifying screens and hypersensitized film. FEBS Letters, 82, No. 2, 314-316, 1977.
  34. LeCocq, RE, Hepburn, A, and Lamy, F: The use of L-35S methionine and L-75Se-selenomethionine for double-label autoradiography of complex protein patterns on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels: a drastic shortening of exposure times. Analytical Biochemistry, 127, 293-299, 1982.
  35. Liss, RH and Kensler, CJ: Radioautographic methods for physiologic disposition and toxicology studies. Advances in Modern Toxicology, 273-305, Ed. by MA Mehlman, RE Shapiro, and H Blumenthal, 1976.
  36. Longshaw, S and Fowler, JSL: A poly (Methyl 14C) methacrylate source for use in whole-body autoradiography and beta-radiography. Xenobiotica, 8, No. 5, 289-295, 1978.
  37. Maxam, AM and Gilbert, W: A new method for sequencing DNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencs, 74, No. 2, 560-564, 1977.
  38. McConkey, EH: Double-label autoradiography for comparison of complex protein mixtures after gel electrophoresis. Analytical Biochemistry, 96, 39-44, 1979.
  39. Noren, O and Sjostrom, H: Fluorography of tritium-labelled proteins in immunoelectrophoresis. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 1, 59-64, 1979.
  40. O'Farrell, PH: High resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 250, No. 10, 4007-4021, 1975.
  41. Ornstein, DL and Kashdan, MA : Sequencing DNA using 35S-labeling: a troubleshooting guide. Biotechniques, 3, No. 6, 476-483, 1985.
  42. Penny, JB, et al: Quantitative autoradiography of 3H muscimol binding in rat brain. Science, 214, 1036-1038, Nov. 27, 1981.
  43. Phillips, CA, Smith, AG, and Hahn, EJ: Recent developments in autoradiography. In Proceedings from Second International Symposium on the Synthesis and Application of Isotopically Labeled Compounds, 189-194, Ed. by RR Muccino, Elsevier, New York, 1986.
  44. Phillips, CA, Smith, AG, and Hahn EJ: Hypersensititzation of X-ray film: a treatment to improve autoradiographic detection. (Submitted to Analytical Biochemistry).
  45. Randerath, K: An evaluation of film detection methods for weak-emitters, particularly tritium. Analytical Biochemistry, 34, 188-205, 1970.
  46. Reivich, M, et al: Measurement of regional cerebral blood flow and antipyrine-14C in awake cats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 27, No. 2, 296-300, 1969.
  47. Schibeci, A and Martonosi, A: Detection of Ca2+ - binding proteins on polyacrylamide gels by 45Ca autoradiography. Analytical Biochemistry, 104, 335-342, 1980.
  48. Skinner, MK and Groswold, MD: Fluorographic detection of radioactivity in polyacrylamide gels with 2,5 diphenyloxazole in acedit acid and its comparison with existing procedures. Biochemical Journal, 209, 2181-284, 1983.
  49. Smith, AG, Phillips, CA, and Hahn, EJ: X-ray films: suppression of reciprocity failure by astronomical techniques. Journal of Imaging Technology, 11, No. 1, 27-32, 1985.
  50. Smith, AG, et al: Hypersensitization and astronomical tests of X-ray films. AAS Photo-Bulletin, No. 39, 8-14, 1985.
  51. Sokoloff, L, et al: The 14C deoxyglucose method for the measurement of local glucose utilization. Journal of Neurochemistry, 28, 897-916, 1977.
  52. Som, P, et al: Quantitiative autoradipgraphy with radiopharmaceuticals, part 2: applications in radiopharmaceutical research: concise communication. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 24, 238-244, 1983.
  53. Stevens, GWW: Production of multi-level radioactive source for autoradiographic calibration. Journal of Microscopy, 106, Pt. 3, 285-289, 1976.
  54. Suissa, M: Spectrophotometric quantitation of silver grains eluted from autoradiograms. Analytical Biochemistry, 133, 511-514, 1983.
  55. Swanstrom, R and Shank, PR: X-ray intensifying screens greatly enhance the detection by autoradiography of radioisotope 32P and 125I. Analytical Biochemistry, 86, 184-192, 1978.
  56. Toga, AW et al: Neuroscience application of interactive image analysis. Optical Engineering, 23, No. 3, 279-282, May/June 1984.
  57. Tomoike, H, et al: Differential registration of two types of radionuclides on macroautoradiograms for studying coronary circulation: concise communication. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 24, 693-699, 1983.
  58. Udem, SA and Cook, KA:L Isolation and characterization of measles virus intracellular nucleocapsid RNA. Journal of Virology, 49, No. 1, 57-65, 1984.
  59. Ullberg, S: The technique of whole-body autoradiography: cryosectioning of large specimens. In Science Tools, Special Issue, Ed. by O. Alvfeldt, LDK-Producter AB, Sweden, 1977.
  60. Unnerstall, JR, et al: Quantitative receptor autoradiography using 3H-Ultrofilm: application of multiple benzodiazepine receptors. Journal of Neuroscience Mewthods, 6, 59-73, 1982.
  61. Van Keuren, ML, Goldman, D, and Merril, CR: Detection of radioactively labeled proteins is quenched by silver staining methods: quenching is minimal for 14C and partially reversible for 3H with a photochemical stain. Analytical Biochemistry, 116, 245-248, 1981.
  62. Waddell, WJ and Marlowe, C: Autoradiography in Drug Fate and Metabolism, Ed. by ER Garrwett and JL HIrtz, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1, Methods and Techniques, 1-25, 1977.
  63. Yonekura, Y, et al: Quantitative autoradiography with radiopharmaceutical, part 1: digital film analysis system by videodensitometry: concise commuication. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 23, 231-237, 1983.