150 Verona Street
Rochester, NY 14608
Phone: +1 585-627-1800
Toll Free: +1-888-777-2072
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Our customers and partners have access to powerful online communities and tools. Use this overview to discover the best destination for you. Registration and sign-in are required to access these websites.
Vue Cloud Community
Carestream's Vue Cloud Community is your single point of access to the tools you need to diagnose exams, review a patient portfolio or view real-time department performance.
Our customers and partners have access to powerful online communities and tools. Use this overview to discover the best destination for you. Registration and sign-in are required to access these websites.
Vue Cloud Community
Carestream's Vue Cloud Community is your single point of access to the tools you need to diagnose exams, review a patient portfolio or view real-time department performance.
Thank you for your interest in Carestream Health. Use the contact information on this page to locate the appropriate group/location to assist with your specific area of interest.
150 Verona Street
Rochester, NY 14608
Phone: +1 585-627-1800
Toll Free: +1-888-777-2072
Phone: +1-585-627-8882
Phone: +1-585-627-8888 24x7
Email: corporatesecurity@carestream.com
Learn what to do if you receive an unexpected check from Carestream Health.
Phone: +1-800-328-2910
Technical Support Phone: +1-800-328-2910
Phone: +1-800-328-2910
Support for NDT Orders:
Phone: +1-800-810-0327 Option 4
Fax: +1-800-445-9967
Email: us-hi-digitalorders@carestream.com
Precision, roll-to-roll coating services for energy storage, display, electronics, automotive, windows, and more.
Phone: +1 541-831-7374
Email: info@tollcoating.com
Web: Click Here
Saint Helena
Sao Tome and Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa Sub Sahara Africa Sudan Suriname Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia |
Western Sahara Zambia Zimbabwe |
Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tajikistan Turkmenistan |
United Kingdom Uzbekistan |
São Cistovão and Nevis
São Vicente and Granadina Trinidad and Tobago Turk and Caicos Islands Uruguay U.S. Virgin Islands Venezuela Virgin Islands (British) |