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Your Connection to Remote Services

CARESTREAM Smart Link remote technology creates a powerful conduit between your Carestream solutions and our Customer Success Network. A log-in through a highly secure remote connection enables expert technical support for your CR, DR, printing and health IT solutions -- anytime, anywhere.  Carestream engineering professionals can quickly troubleshoot your medical imaging and health IT equipment around the clock. 

  • For the Imaging Department
  • For the IT Department
  • Privacy & Security

For the Imaging Department

Maximize your system availability and uptime with proactive monitoring and faster resolutions.

Every minute of imaging system downtime takes away from your facility’s productivity and quality of patient care. Be confident that performance issues will be rapidly recognized and resolved.

Support You Can Depend On

With Smart Link’s remote connectivity, your service request will be immediately addressed by an experienced Carestream Customer Support Specialist. This individual will either resolve your issue remotely, or engage the most qualified technician from your Customer Success Network – to get you back up and running quickly.

Keep Your System Up-to-Date

With Smart Link, staying current couldn’t be easier. Many upgrades are delivered over our secure Internet connection, so you get them quickly and conveniently, with no need for an onsite Customer Service Engineer.

  Relative Resolution


For the IT Department

Privacy & Security